Thursday, April 7, 2011

The 50K Objective

In 2011 record high unemployment means that there are thousands of men and women searching for viable employment opportunities. In light of these economic conditions wehelpU2 has elected to make our initial objective to find work for 50,000 men and women by December 31st 2011.
We take on this objective with the understanding that it will be difficult. As we write these words, we are staffed by nine people; we have no media connections, and are self-funded.
We endeavor to help 50,000 people with the knowledge that this commitment is a blank check. It is a check written to people who are in need of work; it is written to people in need of assistance.
This check can only be cashed by a commitment to hard work and cooperation.
In 2011 wehelpU2 will find work for 50,000. Spread the word and let’s do some good.

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